Entrepreneur Found: Trump

Donald Trump is a great example of an entrepreneur. He is one of the most well known entrepreneurs around and is known to be a harsh boss with the famous phrase “You’re fired!” 

He definitely demonstrates all 4 of the qualities necessary to be considered an entrepreneur where he took a huge risk–the biggest aspect of them all. At one point in his life, he owed many banks great sums of money he did not have because he lost it to failed attempts. Despite this hardship, Trump was able to pick it up and become one of the best success stories around. He has invested in many building projects and has come out of it with lots of money. 

Another aspect is that he’s extremely rich, owning many, many golf courses, towers (Trump Towers), hotels, and even merchandise. The Trump Entreprise is a huge organisation with many sectors, each making him lots of money in a short time. This all came upon at high speed, changing a man from owing millions to owning billions. 

The Trump Enterprise is so great in size, but nevertheless, it continues to grow. The number of buildings Trump owns, the general size of the organisation, and the projects taken on has continually increased to larger and larger extents. Even now, the Enterprise have two projects to be done in the year 2012, both being hotels. 

It is then obvious to call Donald Trump an entrepreneur as he satisfies with all the qualities an entrepreneur should have. He has taken on many risks of large extent with great wealth and continual growth to lead to a great success. Some even say “Whatever he comes in contact with turns to gold.”

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