Easy on the Wallet or Easy on the Earth

Business ethics is the attitude and behavior towards a business. There are two different ways to run a business. They are to complete a business with and without guilt. In a perfect world, people simply just buy and sell products; however, some people only consider their own benefit nowadays. For example, there’re illegal copies of DVDs sales around the world. In order to gain the benefit, earning money, some suppliers sell these DVDs even before the movies are released.

In this article, the reporter focuses on how the student intern Carly Leblanc makes a decision. Carly struggles on whether or not she should make her trade in a positive way, not feeling guilty.

She should choose the positive way by either trading with the more expensive company for quality or asking for an extension to find out other more appropriate companies to work with. Quality is more important than quantity; therefore, it would be better for Carly to not trade with the Chinese company.


Quality weigh more than quantity


Know more about business ethics

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