Blog on Stephen’s

Stephen delivers the news, Greek debt crisis, well. He also makes a few useful points on how terrible the Greek debt crisis is and how the people around the world portray this event. “There’s no possible ways to please everybody.”  Instead of just stating this, he can try to make recommendations such as what might be helpful for Greek economy and what will likely be Greece’s act. More advices can be included to make a stronger argument.Similarly, at the end of the paragraph, Stephen can be more specific or provide more thoughts on what might happen if Greece defaults. His ideas are correct, but it will be even better with just a few more suggestions. For example, When Greece defaults, domino effect will appear. Other countries, even the ones that are not in Europe, will be affected as well because there are lots of people investing Greek stocks.

Finally, a hyper link in the paragraph is great because it indicates where the source is and it provides more information. However, there can be photos to make his blog better. Perhaps extra links and videos are helpful too.


Stephen’s blog

Original article used in Stephen’s blog

About Greece

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