Goodbye Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple has recently passed away. He was 56 when he was announced dead.

Steve Jobs will become a legend because he was able to influence the whole world. He changed the world by creating innovative technology that made the world it was today. Efficiency, productivity and education was taught and learned through a variety of ways because of this man. Without him, competition of bringing the world to a whole new level would have never existed. If, Steve Jobs had not created the Iphone, Ipad, Nano the world would not have advanced so quickly. Phone companies such as Samsung, Nokia and other great corporations all mourned for his passing because he was such a great success and influence to this world.

This will definitely cause a setback for the company Apple because he was the icon for Apple. Now that he is gone, consumers will begin to change corporations, market shares will begin to drop giving a chance for other corporations to catch up. Hopefully, the Company will be able to continue and resume what Jobs have left.  

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