Facebook is dying

Facebook Inc is currently losing customers that continue using their social network. This is due to the increasing amount of unacceptable pop-up. There are“ inundation of violent images and hardcore pornography into some newsfeeds”.  This will cause are large number of participants to quit using Facebook due to the vulgarity.


Facebook is currently trying to limit this disaster that was caused by a spam attack that took the advantage of browser vulnerability. The company’s current top objective is to protect people who use Facebook from spam. In the past, people were tricked into sharing their private contents.

If the situation is evaluated, what is seen is that the number of participants in Facebook gradually decreases due to the privacy issue. This outburst of spam will create fear and unreliability among the customers. Participants now may be vulnerable to the idea of switching to a more reliable social network that could provide the same thing. Facebook is now vulnerable, all that is needed is another company, such as Google, to step up and take over.

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