This is not the end…

by behzadm

It’s finished, the joyous, thrilling experience that was trading futures contracts. I must say, I really enjoyed it! I learned a few things, but far less than I would like to, which is why I plan on educating myself more and investing (time and money) in it in the future…

The most valuable lesson I learned I think is about loss. I learned that in this discipline you could lose nearly everything you have in a few seconds or minutes, so one must play within one’s means..that is to say, if I engage in this sort of trading any time in the future, I will do so with money that I can afford to lose; better yet, I consider that money lost, so that if I do end up losing it at least it won’t come as a shock; and if I do end up winning, well, who doesn’t like a pleasant surprise?

Looking forward to what future brings…

Thanks for reading