iPhone 4S: why it looks the same as the iPhone 4

When Apple released the newest iPhone, many people were extremely disappointed by the iPhone 4s, which looks generally the same as the previous version, the iPhone 4. Although the outward appearance did not change, the newest iPhone features a faster processor, longer battery time and voice recognition.

While most tech writers are complaining about the disappointing new iPhone, one writer in this article from The New York Times, “Why the New iPhone Looks the Same“, depicts a different angle on the issue. He asserts that the new iPhone is simply following the Apple trend, where Apple nearly always chooses to make only minute differences to their products’ appearances.

For example, from 2004, the iMac switched to a minimalist white panel, which is shown on the left. In 2006, the aluminum based iMac, shown on the right, was released. This design is still used today.

The author of the article explains that Apple’s lack of new design for the newest iPhone, shown below, fits in with Apple’s strategy.

This article reminded me of the Comm101 class on strategy and tactics. If Apple’s strategy for its products is differentiation, then to maintain market share and brand recognition, its tactic is to keep design changes to a minimum.

Once Apple hits a design that they are happy with and attracts consumers, I believe that they will apply it so long as there is no reason for change. Why fix what isn’t broken?

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