World’s Largest Retailer Participating in Canada’s Income Gap

From another point of view..

From another point of view..

World’s Largest Retailer Contributes to Canada’s Income Gap

Basically, Walmart, which happens to be the world’s largest retailer, is helping to contribute to the income gap in Canada. They now have sections geared toward the lower income & others towards the higher.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the WORLD’S LARGEST RETAILER would definitely influence our country. Walmart’s market is now geared to pretty much everyone (wealthy and not), since the middle class is rapidly disappearing. The pricing of the products and the advertising at Walmart are very important factors that will influence our country’s income disparity which goes back to the point that marketers and accountants should always get together and talk.

Personally, I think Walmart, as the world’s leading retailer, should help decrease the income gap of our country (and other countries) and should not use it’s power for the sole purpose of gaining money and customers, but instead help solve our cultural wealth inequality problems.

Down the aisles of our supercenter..



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