Death of Steve Jobs=No more vision for Apple?

iPhone 4, or 4S. I can't really tell.

iPhone 4, or 4S. I can't really tell.

iPod, iPad, MacBook Pros and Airs, iTunes and every other high end Apple product that has been released since its founding in 1976 has been reshaping and redefining technology in our society. The co-founder of Apple and long time CEO, Steve Jobs, passed away on October 5th 2011 only weeks after releasing his CEO title to Tim Cook.

The current concern is that Apple’s product line might suffer without the influencial leadership of Steve Jobs. Beginning with the release of not the rumoured iPhone 5, but the slightly disappointing iPhone 4S which looks EXACTLY the same as the iPhone 4 with differents specs.Tim Cook, the new CEO of Apple, has big shoes to fill. The first product launched under his leadership, the iPhone 4S, did not win him any more fans. Hopefully, Apple’s new managerial type CEO will prove his suitability for his position and impress the market with new Apple products, just as Steve Jobs did.

Rip Steve Jobs

Rip Steve Jobs

Rip Steve Jobs

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