Goodbye Starbucks, Hello Timmy’s!

Starbucks used to be the place where everyone met up for long chats or study sessions with tall white chocolate mochas and caramel macciatos. However, we just might see a migration to Tim Horton’s this winter. With its newest renovation including “wireless Internet connections, bench seating,” a new floor layout, an open kitchen, and  “arm chairs and soft lighting,” Timmy’s is now an ideal place to hang out. With its previously wooden/plastic chairs and florescent lighting gone, our Starbucks crew just might be enticed to Timmy’s.

Why not? Tim Horton’s offers smaller drinks and cheaper prices along with TIMBITS! Not only do the new and improved Timmys’ look and feel more comfortable, but it caters to students of all ages and people in the business industry with it’s free wireless Internet!

CEO Paul House said that the renovation’s goal was to “encourage customers to come inside, sit and perhaps spend a little more money rather than zooming through the drive-thru.” This renovation expands Tim Horton’s market to not only the people grabbing coffee in a hurry from the drive through window, but also the people who wish to sit or study at a newly renovated coffee shop.

Timbits anyone?

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