Buy this pizza: It’ll turn your liver black!

This is just lovely.


Tu Thanh Ha from The Globe and Mail reveals that the Ontario Medial Association “says junk food should be treated the same way as tobacco, slapped with higher taxes and packaged with graphic warning labels.”  Personally, I find this very motivating for people trying to stick to a healthy diet. If I walked into a store with strong craving for pizza and I was trying to get back into shape, a decaying liver on the packaging would most definitely assist me in rethinking my choices. However, I do agree with FCPC vice-president, Phyllis Tanaka, when she states that “a tax on food and beverages …  will hurt lower- and middle-income Ontarians the most.” I think the black liver is more than enough to divert customers from excessive consumption of fatty foods.

Imagine if this was on your chip bag

Imagine if your original Lays bag showed a picture of a dying, obese person with the words “this could happen to you, with the help of Lays.” (Somewhat like the picture to the right) What message would that send to you as a consumer? Talk about post purchase dissonance! The image that is associated with junk food if this law were to be enforced would be downright negative. However, it would be interesting to see the effects of the consumer decision process and junk food sales with this type of advertising.

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