Welcome to Canada, Nordstrom

Earlier this term, Nordstrom announced on Financial Post that it would be expanding into Canada in Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, and Calgary. Nordstrom is set to open at our Pacific Center Downtown in the spring of 2016. Personally, I’m stoked. I no longer have to wait 2 hours and drive another 2 hours to Seattle to consume my post midterm rewards.

Just as Walmart must watch out for Target Canada, Holt Renfrew and The Bay should start considering strengthening marketing tactics before the upscale retailer crosses Canadian borders. While they are all upscale retailers for, they may want to look over their pricing strategies. According to The Star with John Torella, a senior partner with the J.C. Williams Group, Nordstrom “will be competitive within their segment. They won’t bring U.S. prices. They’ve all learned that lesson from J. Crew.”

Torella also notes that Nordstrom’s “key differentiation will be customer service” and its e-commerce business.  It will be interesting to see how The Bay and Holt Renfrew will increase value for their target market to maintain their sales. It’s time to increase benefits for loyal customers of Holt Renfrew and The Bay for the high prices they pay.


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