Bacardi Ad

Why is it that whenever alcohol ads on TV are played, such as the Bacardi ad above, everyone is having fun? Where is the girl that’s had too much and passed out on the floor, and the boys who get into fistfights after a couple rounds?

Statistics show that 28.8% of women and 43.1% men binge drink at least once a year (consume over 4 drinks over 2 hours). How is it ethical for alcohol commercials to exclude  the respective percentages of partygoers who binge drink in their commercials while displaying the effects of binge drinking?

According to Lexicon Financial Times, ethical marketing is “a process through which companies generate customer interest in products/services, build strong customer interest/relationships, and create value for all stakeholders by incorporating social and environmental considerations in products and promotions.”

Realistically, this is not an accurate depiction of the various occasions for Budweiser consumption. The underage house parties, college frat parties, and rowdy football games are all excluded from this image. If Budweiser is selling a substance that has negative effects after extensive consumption, should they not advertise this as well? If cigarette companies are advertising the negative effects of smoking, should alcohol companies also advertise the negative effects of drinking?