Archive for October, 2012

A New Perspective on Social Enterprise

Saturday, October 27th, 2012

I was intrigued to read Adrianne Erdman’s blog post and how her perspective about an Indian entrepreneur evolved to include ideas about social entrepreneurship. Before attending the Comm 101 class on social entrepreneurship, I would have thought that Mr. Muruganantham’s approach to business is a bit unusual and inefficient. However, I think it is important […]

The Business Behind the Northern Gateway Pipeline

Monday, October 8th, 2012

The debate regarding the controversial Northern Gateway pipeline project proposed by Calgary-based Canadian company Enbridge is soon to reach a critical breaking point. The pipeline would carry over half a million barrels of bitumen per day from northern Alberta to the B.C. coast, mainly for export to Asia where there is an enormous market demand. Benefits […]

How American Retailers will save the Canadian Business

Monday, October 8th, 2012

According to Canadian Business magazine, Target won’t kill Canadian retail – it will save it. American retailer Target plans to open up 165 stores in Canada starting in March as part of a multi-billion-dollar strategy. Canadian shoppers are happy because they can now buy the fashionable yet inexpensive products locally rather than crossing the border. […]

B.C.’s Declining Video Game Industry

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

As Richard Warnica explains in his article entitled, “Vancouver’s video-game industry is slowly disappearing,” British Columbia has become the unfortunate victim of a lack of economic competitiveness; this has led many businesses out of B.C. and on to a greener pasture. The Canadian video gaming industry, which, for many years, was based mainly in Vancouver, […]

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