Archive for November, 2012

Customer Retention = Business Success

Friday, November 16th, 2012

After browsing through an article featured on the Canada Business Network Blog, I was immediately taken back to a reading we completed as a class regarding Zappos, an online shoe shopping company, and how their excellent customer care has helped lead them to become a major player in the industry. The article, entitled “Turn customer […]

Lack of Sustainability Could Damage Economy

Friday, November 16th, 2012

I received a fresh perspective after hearing a lecture about the need for companies to become more environmentally sustainable – not just to have strong public relations – but to improve the competitiveness of the company in its production techniques. While there was a time that companies put on a façade of being “green”, there […]

Oil Sands: Canada’s Economic Future?

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

Canada is currently the largest oil supplier to the United States and has the third largest oil reserves in the world. A Deloitte partner from Toronto stated that oil sands represent the “economic engine for the country for the foreseeable future” while the Canadian Energy Research Institute estimates a $2.1 trillion benefit to Canada’s economy […]

Earth-Sized Possibilities

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

After listening to a presentation by director Wade Larson about a developing company UrtheCast (pronounced “earthcast”), I became intrigued with the limitless possibilities of having a live high-definition, highly detailed images of world events available to anyone over the Internet. I believe Urthecast has positioned itself very well in the advertising business because they plan to […]

Chevron’s Moral Dilemma

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

Nearly 20 years after a lawsuit was filed against Texaco for vast environmental damage and health issues caused by oil drilling in the Amazing Basin, their parent company Chevron is facing a resurgence of legal problems which aim to reciprocate the local Ecuadoreans. The latest news features an attempt by the plaintiffs to seize assets […]

President Obama Faces Unpredictable Fiscal Future

Monday, November 12th, 2012

United Staes President Barack Obama’s re-election puts him in one of the greatest economic turning points in American history. As the country faces a 13-figure federal budget deficit and an unclear energy future, the economic fate of the American Dream rests largely in the fiscal decisions of the Obama administration over the next 4 years. […]

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