Lack of Sustainability Could Damage Economy

by Ben Gardiner ~ November 16th, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

I received a fresh perspective after hearing a lecture about the need for companies to become more environmentally sustainable – not just to have strong public relations – but to improve the competitiveness of the company in its production techniques. While there was a time that companies put on a façade of being “green”, there is an increasingly bona fide need for companies to embrace environmental production techniques if they wish grow profits.

This is seen quite plainly in the UK where business leaders recently met to pressure the Government to set binding emissions targets with the appeal that a failure to do will damage the UK economy. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t governments be the ones to lobby for environmentally-friendly business targets?

The answer is no. Business themselves are realizing the need to have sustainable practices which will lead away from a path of resource depletion and instead focus on increasingly  energy-efficient business models. Climate change increase risk to all sizes of business while businesses supplying low-carbon products will satisfy a growing global demand for sustainable goods.

I never previously thought that businesses would be pressuring government to support environmentally sustainable practices; however, the free market is clearly working because sustainable business models are the only way forward as our world faces an ever-increasing need to think about more than just profits.

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