Air Canada needs a change in perspective

September 14th, 2011 · No Comments

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The Globe and Mail recently wrote about the Air Canada Union strike on their latest edition. The company’s concerns and their frustrations over the position the union has put them in by going on strike is understandable, however, it is somewhat unfair of them to say that the working conditions of flight attendants are simply a reality and hazard of their job.

This is something that can be rectified through diplomacy and discussion between the union and Air Canada. Although the conditions under question, (shifts made with little warning, overnight trips, lack of delay deductions, etc), are not ones that occur with any set frequency or regularity, it is still a cause of concern for the union because flight attendants are having to work very hard with little reward during those times.

From a business point of view, Air Canada should show a little more willingness to cooperate. It conveys a different image to the public (their customers), and certainly sets them apart from other airlines in similar situation. Hopefully, they will be able to retain a positive image amongst their regular flyers.

Air Canada points out `facts of life’ to flight attendants

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