Battle of the Titans

November 19th, 2011 · No Comments

In October, the corporate giant Samsung filed a preliminary injunction motion against Apple’s iPhone in several countries around the world including Australia, Japan, France and Italy.

Samsung has stated that the new iPhone 4S has infringed on 3 existing patents and over 25 claims. Currently, the Australian court ruling has allowed the sales to go on for another four months before the hearing date.

Apple and Samsung are the world’s leading smartphone and tablet producers, and have been competing on a level unmatched by any of their remaining competitors. They are now engaged in a “life or death” legal battle in over 10 countries involving smartphones and tablet computers, in an effort to capture the throne.

This has been a real ‘eye opener’ for me. Many of the technologies used to create the iPhone was originally purchased from Samsung. Despite their ties, Apple has filed several preliminary injunctions on Samsung products in the United States as well as many other countries around the world. This really emphasises the concept of ‘self-interest’, and shows that partners today can become rivals tomorrow in the business world.

The Globe and Mail – Aussie court to hear Samsung plea for iPhone 4S ban

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