Samsung’s Galaxy S3 vs. Apple’s iPhone 5

During one of our classes last week we focused our views towards marketing. In this class we watched some advertisements from soda company Pepsi. Pepsi, unlike Coca-Cola, needs an advantage so they create ads that are against coca-colay. One ad in particular shows a young boy buying two cokes from a vending machine, merely to stand on them so he can buy a Pepsi.

This has become a similar scene with the two smartphone heavy weights, the Galaxy S3 by Samsung and the iPhone 5 by Apple. Samsung has struck first with their new minute and a half ad that shows people waiting in line for the iPhone 5, while people all around them have an S3 and are using some of there many features available to show that Apple is no longer the only powerhouse.

This ad created by Samsung might be one of the funniest attack ads I have ever seen. But most of all I believe this ad has persuaded me to choose a Samsung over the new iPhone. I have an iPhone 4 right now, but through watching this I would rather be one of the people with a Samsung Galaxy S3 than a slightly upgraded iPhone 5.
iPhone 5 VS. Samsung S3

The ad by Samsung:

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