Response – RIM: Where’s the innovation?

After reading over Robby Gill’s Blog and the article I find myself asking a similar questions. Thorstein Heins has signed on as the new CEO of RIM and he said he did so “because there was ‘a core of innovation’ inside the Company that showed a ‘path to the future.'”

Blackberry 10

Robby could not have said it better, there has been very little innovation for Blackberry’s in the past. You never hear of the “new” great functions of a blackberry.

Even after taking a look at the new BLackberry 10, that is set to launch on the the 30 of January in the New year does not seem to exciting. Personally I am waiting what Samsung will unveil as their Samsung Galaxy S4 will also be dropped in the coming months after the Blackberrry.

Samsung s4

I have never been apart of the “Crackberry” family, and after taking a look at the Blackberry 10 i porbably wont join anytime soon. Maybe next time RIM.

Call of Duty Game ‘Kills’ Record

Video games these days are setting many records, and not for the large amounts of children addicted to playing, but in sales. Coming from a guy who plays video games, the Call of duty franchise contains some of the best games ever made, and their sales represent that. Last year the Call of Duty game “Modern Warfare III” saw an amazing $400-million day; However they surpassed the record with their more recent game “Black-Ops II”, Which had an amazing $500-million day.

Their are thousands of games that get released each year and yet Call of Duty year after year sets landmarks.

To think that a single item can make that much money in a single day is absurd, much like the release of the iPhone 5. Call of duty will release a new game next year and there is no doubt in my mind they will surpass this record again, as their addictive game will attract more and more buyers.


Nike Cutting the Fat

I remember playing soccer as a kid and using the ever popular Umbro soccer cleats. At that time Umbro was a top the world of soccer; however they seemed to decline in stature among other brands, however the being from England, the England football team continues to support them.

umbor pic

Nike acquired the company Umbro in 2008 at a price of £285 million. And they just sold the company to Iconix Brand Group for $225 million. Nike has decided to do so for the reason of cutting costs. Nike wants to focus on its “core Nike brand and … Jordan, Converse and Hurley business lines”

Cole haan logo

Nike has also said they are willing to sell Cole Haan. This is a way to strengthen the brand image of Nike and make it less scattered. In my opinion this is a deal that makes since, and should not hurt the stock value at all.


Promising Social Entrepreneurs

Bloomberg businessweek has noticed some of the most promising social entrepreneurs in a reach out to their readers. This is their fourth time doing this kind of article, but it does wonders in helping these people get their names out there.

They as readers for suggestions then they get them to vote for their favorite. After learning about social entrepreneurship this article will have a great impact on their businesses.

The highest rated Social enterprise is called “The Paradigm Project“. At the time of the article they had 14 employees and roughly $700 000 in revenue in 2011. The company sells “clean-burning, highly efficient wood or charcoal cookstoves”. These stoves help to “reduce deforestation and long treks for firewood”. The objective of the company is to sell 5 million by 2020.

Stove Man

Social entrepreneurship was a career path I never thought of before, and now after reading of the good these business people are doing It has really brought to light a wonderful career path. This contest hosted by Bloomberg also sheds the light to others of the great work many people are doing around the world, which is just fantastic!

Election Effects Not Only the Americans, But the Asian Stock Market

Asian markets moved higher after President Obama was re-elected to the White House. As we all know the finances of the US is still horrible and their economy is still hurting, but the “fiscal cliff” that is approaching in the New Year might make things worse for Americans. This cliff will raise taxes and reduce government spending, and if this happens, the economy will almost surely enter recession again.

Obama Biden cheering

But what does this mean for the Chinese Market… not a whole lot. They expect “Nothing will change. [They] will still have ultra-low interest rates, a $1 trillion deficit, and quantitative easing.”

The re-election of Obama has proven to be good fro the Asian market for the US is heavily indebted to them, hence the increase in the stock market across seas.

It makes me curious to have seen the markets if the republican candidate, Mitt Romney, had been elected. I believe that the Asian market and Canadian market would have seen a loss because of the effect of a new style of government in office. It is an interesting thought though.


Response – YouTube – The Ultimate Record Label Company

Shivamkar blogged about the ability to use YouTube as a record label and “Broadcast Yourself” (The YouTube Slogan). he writes that it has become much easier for aspiring artists in this day and age to become successful as “the middle man is gone”.

In my business plan project for Comm, my group and I decided to do the business plan of a record company. The one thing we really noticed was the extreme competitiveness of this industry. Thinking about it now, YouTube would be a great way to get your name out there. It wont work for everyone, but it has turned out some of the biggest stars today, such as Justin Bieber and Lana Del Ray.

lana del ray

The increasing power YouTube receives is incredible. They have been able to turn many people into celebrities, or home videos into videos being played in everyone’s home. YouTube started as a way to share videos between a group of friends and has turned into a “Star Finder

Children of Virtual Millenium; Response

Mykhalo Boreshevski wrote about the idea of virtual goods earning profits for certain companies such as Google or even Facebook. But he asked a question at the end regarding physical goods and the use of them with Facebook. Mykhalo argues that they may need to do this to protect the company. In my opinion Facebook has grown to such a powerful company and this is just another way to attract more and more people and satisfy the customer.
facebook gifts

I believe this because Facebook is literally trying to be a part of every social exchange there is, birthdays, anniversaries, even just normal talking. All of these things can now be done with out face to face confrontation. Clearly people are moving away from this idea so now they can do something else without meeting anyone. It will also satisfy their clientele who has moved away from home. It makes sending gifts much easier than going out, buying something, and then shipping it to friends and family across the world.

So in Conclusion Facebook is merely trying to make everything much more accessible and easier to the growing number of lazy people around the world. As sad as it sounds I think it will be a success.

Here is a link to his article: