Response – RIM: Where’s the innovation?

After reading over Robby Gill’s Blog and the article I find myself asking a similar questions. Thorstein Heins has signed on as the new CEO of RIM and he said he did so “because there was ‘a core of innovation’ inside the Company that showed a ‘path to the future.'”

Blackberry 10

Robby could not have said it better, there has been very little innovation for Blackberry’s in the past. You never hear of the “new” great functions of a blackberry.

Even after taking a look at the new BLackberry 10, that is set to launch on the the 30 of January in the New year does not seem to exciting. Personally I am waiting what Samsung will unveil as their Samsung Galaxy S4 will also be dropped in the coming months after the Blackberrry.

Samsung s4

I have never been apart of the “Crackberry” family, and after taking a look at the Blackberry 10 i porbably wont join anytime soon. Maybe next time RIM.

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