Comm 296 Business Ethics

In the world there is a sudden urge for people to become more healthy, eating better and staying active. However, it is Reebok that may have taken this just a little too far. An Advertising Poster in Germany stated, “Cheat on your Girlfriend, not on your workout”. Like I said, there is nothing wrong with promoting working out and becoming a healthier person, but when it comes to this there is a problem.

Reebok poster

So is this an issue of Morals? Of course! It is disrespectful to women, it advocates infidelity, as well as stating that it is in fact OK cheat on your better half.

To make matters worse, the response by Reebok was no better. When brought to the attention of the higher ups, they responded with,

“The signs were removed as soon as we were made aware of them. I can assure you that Reebok does not condone this message or cheating in any way. We apologize for the offensive nature of these materials, and are disappointed that they appeared at all.”

As a population are we to believe that Reebok would make a poster to be distributed without the go-ahead from the company? Unlikely.

This is just an example to show the lines that companies are willing to cross. Ethics are beginning to be something that some companies truly care about, while others trounce over it as if the word Ethic does not exist.

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