Call of Duty Game ‘Kills’ Record

Video games these days are setting many records, and not for the large amounts of children addicted to playing, but in sales. Coming from a guy who plays video games, the Call of duty franchise contains some of the best games ever made, and their sales represent that. Last year the Call of Duty game “Modern Warfare III” saw an amazing $400-million day; However they surpassed the record with their more recent game “Black-Ops II”, Which had an amazing $500-million day.

Their are thousands of games that get released each year and yet Call of Duty year after year sets landmarks.

To think that a single item can make that much money in a single day is absurd, much like the release of the iPhone 5. Call of duty will release a new game next year and there is no doubt in my mind they will surpass this record again, as their addictive game will attract more and more buyers.


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