Apple’s Marketing Secret: Hold Off On the Ads, Ride the Hype

In 2007 in the anticipation of the inaugural iPhone they used media buzz and hyping of the product to market it,  allowing Apple to spend no money on advertisements , which is more or less unheard. Eventually they did spend 97.5 million, but such a tactic undoubtedly saved Apple hundreds of millions of dollars.

In addition to media hype, Apple uses product placement to advertise, which is many cases costs them none. Apple’s marketing manager has convinced many top producers and directors to include it’s products in movies and TV shows at no cost to the company, to the point where it’s been included in 40% of the top movies of 2012.

Such techniques are part of the reason Apple is so successful. In a marketing world where revolutionary techniques are always trying to be discovered Apple continues to find ways to unearth such things. As commercials become more obsolete with DVRs, Apple finds a way to include their product in hit shows and movies at no cost, which not only saves money but creates an aura of sleekness and modernity around each product.


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