Best Works

This page contains links to my best works from ENGL 301: Technical Writing.

Definition Assignment

The purpose of this assignment was to write a definition of a technical term for an audience with no prior knowledge of the subject matter. The term I chose to define is “Abstraction” which is an important concept used in computer science and software engineering. Three types of definitions were written: parenthetical, sentence, and expanded. Each subsequent definition contains a larger amount of detail. The definitions were written to be concise, understandable, and free from jargon such that a non-technical audience can read and understand the concept of abstraction.

Definition of Abstraction

Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

This was my first opportunity to peer review work from a member of writing team. My team member wrote definitions on the term Global Positioning System (GPS). I provided constructive feedback on how to improve their definitions. Reading my team member’s definitions, allowed me to see how to improve my own definitions through better organization, and more concise wording.

Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys

For this assignment, I brainstormed a research topic for my formal report and wrote a report proposal about the topic. My proposal was addressed to the Student Services Manager of the AMS to determine the feasibility of creating a newsletter to improve awareness of library resources for career opportunities for UBC students at the Surrey City Centre Library. The link below also contains survey questions for my report, and a progress report for my formal report addressed to Dr. Paterson.

Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys

Proposal Memo

This memo is addressed to Dr. Paterson and highlights the main sections of my formal report proposal.

Proposal Memo

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

This memo contains ten LinkedIn best practices. These practices were compiled from several articles and contain helpful tips for creating a LinkedIn profile that would stand out to employers and recruiters.

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

Memo to Evan Crisp

This memo contains suggestions to a hypothetical student named Evan Crisp, who is disappointed that his email to a professor seeking to be added to a full course has not been answered.

Memo to Evan Crisp

Complaint Letter and Response Letter

The complaint letter uses an appropriate tone to inform Novus Entertainment Inc. of a faulty Internet router that I received, and to offer a reasonable compromise. In the response letter, I take the role of the employee whose job it is to respond to the complaint letter, offer understanding, and suggest a compromise.

Complaint Letter and Response Letter

Peer Review of a Formal Report

I peer reviewed a team member’s formal report to determine the cause, impact, and a possible solution to expensive student housing at UBC. I detailed strengths and weaknesses in each section of their report. Also, I suggested improvements that could make their report more concise and persuasive.

Peer Review of a Formal Report