Web Folio Reflection

The process of creating the Web Folio was interesting and allowed me to explore how to use WordPress more effectively. Creating the Web Folio allowed me to explore my past works and to observe how my writing has improved throughout the summer.

The process reminded me of the Definition Assignment, and the Formal Report. In the three assignments, organization plays a major role as the placement of certain elements can improve readability greatly. Also, I believe that writing short concise descriptions for each section in the Web Folio will help users navigate through the Web Folio more easily. One frustrating element  of this assignment was determining how to create certain elements in WordPress. English 301 was the first course that I had to use WordPress and so I was unfamiliar with how to use it. However, Google searching how to use certain programs, software, and tools was a skill that I practiced a lot as a Computer Science major and a Software Development intern so it was not too difficult.

Revisiting past writing assignments for this assignment has made me realize that I got to many opportunities to discover new kinds of technical documents, and allowed me to practice my writing skills with these documents. This practice will prepare me for writing in my future career because software developers are required to write design documents, emails, and reports for various reasons.