301 Benson Lin Application Letter

13962 101 Boulevard

Surrey, BC, V3T 1M2

May 30, 2022

Dear fellow English 301 Students:

My name is Benson Lin and the purpose of this application letter is to introduce myself and convince you that I will be a valuable member of your writing team. I am a fourth year Computer Science student at UBC and I have a previous degree in Chemistry. 

Through my prior position as a teaching assistant for a second year Computer Science course (CPSC 210), I have experience with peer reviewing other student’s work. I reviewed students’ code to look for syntax and compilation errors. I believe that this experience is transferable to reviewing writing assignments for this course. I answered students’ questions on the class Piazza forum and during lectures. My experience as a teaching assistant has developed my peer review and communication skills both verbally and in a written format. 

In my co-op experience as a Software Engineer, I developed organization and communication skills through email and Slack. The job entailed strict deadlines which, as a co-op student, were challenging to meet. My responsibilities included setting up meetings with co-workers and sending out email invitations with preparation materials as well as answering questions at meetings.

From my previous experiences, I believe that I am a strong teammate due to my communication and organization skills. I have a habit of starting assignments early. I believe that collaboration and discussion are the best way to learn so I am ready to reply to feedback in a timely manner. On the other hand, some of my weaknesses include making grammatical errors or writing awkward sentences. I hope to improve on these weaknesses as a team. I look forward to working with you and to growing as writers together.       

If you are interested in working with me, please email me at bensonlin@live.ca. 



Benson Lin  

301 Benson Lin Application Letter

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