Email Messages to Prospective Writing Team Partners

Email 1:

Dear Garrett,

I enjoyed reading your application letter and I wanted to see if you would want to form a team for English 301 this semester. I found that we share a similar goal in improving our writing skills so that it can be used to further our careers. Your well-rounded skill set that you gained from BC Hydro are impressive and I think we can both help each other improve our organization and collaboration skills.

I have previous co-op experiences as a Software Engineer where I worked on projects that required me to lead my own meetings, write technical documents and work on a tight schedule. Feel free to read about me further in my blog: Let me know if you have any questions.


Benson Lin

Email 2:

Dear Dennis,

I enjoyed reading your application letter and I wanted to see if you would want to form a team for English 301 this semester. We are both second degree Computer Science students who were unsatisfied with the careers from our first degrees. Your self-directed approach to learning would be a great addition to any writing team. I struggled with not reaching out to others for help but I have been improving throughout the years. We can help each other improve on our weaknesses together.   

I have previous co-op experiences as a Software Engineer where I worked on projects that required me to lead my own meetings, write technical documents and work on a tight schedule. Feel free to read about me further in my blog: Let me know if you have any questions.


Benson Lin

Email 3:

Dear Chris,

I enjoyed reading your application letter and I wanted to see if you would want to form a team for English 301 this semester. We are both second degree Computer Science students. Your hands-on experience in business writing is a valuable asset to a writing team. Your enthusiasm for self-improvement shows from your dedication with learning English and would be a welcome addition to the team. 

I have previous co-op experiences as a Software Engineer where I worked on projects that required me to lead my own meetings, write technical documents and work on a tight schedule. Feel free to read about me further in my blog: Let me know if you have any questions.


Benson Lin

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