Application Package

This application package is to apply for a Cloud Full Stack Developer position at Providence Healthcare. This package contains the job posting, a cover letter, a resume, and three emails to my previous managers requesting a reference letter from each of them. The package provides practice for when I have to apply to full time positions in the coming months before I finish my last semester at UBC.

Below is the PDF for the job posting for the Cloud Full Stack Developer position at Providence Healthcare. It details the job description, skills required for the job, and qualifications needed. Also, there is a link to the job posting that was found on UBC CareersOnline.

Enclosure: Cloud Full Stack Developer Job Posting

Cloud Full Stack Developer Job Posting

Below is a PDF of the cover letter used for applying for the Cloud Developer position. The cover letter highlights my relevant skills and experience that make me an excellent candidate for the position.

Enclosure: Cloud Full Stack Developer Cover Letter

Cloud Full Stack Developer Cover Letter

Below is a PDF of my resume that highlights my skills and past work experience. An online version can be found here.

Enclosure: Benson Lin’s Resume

Benson Lin’s Resume

Below is a PDF containing three emails that ask for reference letters from three different managers that I worked with during my co-op work terms.

Enclosure: Reference Letter Requests

Reference Letter Requests

Below contains a PDF file containing all of the individual elements of the application package noted above in a single file.

Enclosure: Application Package

Cloud Full Stack Developer Application Package