LinkedIn Best Practices Memo


To: Error 404 not found, ENGL301 Writing Team

From: Benson Lin, ENGL301 Student

Date: July 5, 2022

Subject: Summary of LinkedIn Best Practices 

Hello writing team,

The purpose of this email is to summarize my research about LinkedIn best practices for assignment 2.2. I have listed ten best practices from my findings to update or create your LinkedIn profiles. 

  1. Using a professional looking profile picture.
  2. Having a headline that is more than a job title and details your career identity.
  3. Having a summary that is written like a story about your professional career and interests. 
  4. Highlighting your work by including links, media and posts in your profile.
  5. Following relevant influencers for your industry to display your interests.
  6. Using accomplishment-driven descriptions within your work experience to help quantify your experiences and accomplishments.
  7. Avoid using buzzwords such as ‘strategic’, ‘experienced’, ‘passionate’ and ‘leadership’ because these adjectives do not add insight to your experiences or accomplishments.
  8. Customizing your LinkedIn URL to make it memorable, relevant and easier to search for.
  9. Completing your LinkedIn profile as your profile will appear higher in search results and be more visible to recruiters and hiring managers.
  10. Keeping your profile up to date.

Thank you for your time and I hope these tips will be helpful in crafting your LinkedIn profile for your academic or professional interests and goals. 


Boresellino Regina, “The 31 Best LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job Seekers.” The Muse,

Accessed June 30, 2022

Deehan Jane, “20 steps to a better LinkedIn profile in 2022.” Linkedin,

17-steps-to-a-better-linkedin-profile-in-2017. Accessed June 30, 2022