An Ode to Alpacas and Llamas

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Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. I would like to say it is because I got the chance to stand in the presence of a ceremonial Incan fortress….but it’s not…It was because of the llamas and alpacas. I will be chasing the high of meeting these creatures for the rest of my life. 


As I write this I am trying to explain to Orla the difference between an Alpaca and a llama

She is trying her best to understand, bless her soul, but it’s not working out. She scrolls through her photos of these critters to test herself






She swipes to another photo




“No, alpaca”


One last try




“YES! Wait…no”


A rough start indeed but I have faith in her. Practice makes perfect!

Unfortunately though, it has come to my attention that the differences between llamas and alpacas arent as well known as I had previously assumed. Let me learn you all a thing or two about the difference between these two species of camelids. 


Llamas are a lot larger than alpacas, measuring somewhere around 1.7 to 1.8 meters from the ground to the top of the head and can weigh anywhere between 100kg to 204kg (Big fellas, I know). These are the ones with the horse shaped heads and banana shaped ears (for lack of a better point of reference). Their fur is not as nice as alpaca fur though, it’s rougher but they do have a soft undercoat. Llamas are definitely the more assertive of the two, but they tend to be easier to approach since they are less shy. 


Alpacas on the other hand, which I am personally partial to, are much much much smaller, they are usually only around 1.5 metres tall and weigh between 50kg to 80kg. Their faces are shorter and more pushed in, with straight ears. Their fur is much softer and smoother than llama’s which is why their wool is used for clothing/blankets etc. Alpacas are more on the gentle side. You run a much lower chance of getting attacked by an alpaca but they dont usually have the assertive confidence to be approached without running away. 


I really wish I could touch one of the alpacas, if only to gauge the authenticity of my Alpaca sweater but i didnt want to intrude on their space. I don’t think I would like that If I were an Alpaca.