If the United Nations was fully funded, programs like the Arc Initiative and social enterprise would not necessarily be needed. However, these programs and organizations are compliments to each other, not substitutes. With programs like the Arc Initiative they work directly with entrepreneurs to help them grow their businesses and better their communities. Similarly to the Arc Initiative, Engineers Without Borders (EWB) has a similar practice. The UN is more focused on aid and relief than helping local business owners specifically. Having programs like the Arc Initiative that has a clear focus that has a larger impact on these communities in terms of business.
If the United Nations is fully funded in the future, it could also develop programs similar to the Arc Initiative does, but this does not mean that the UN should be the only organization to run these types of programs. By having more organizations could run these programs, there is a greater opportunity for the local business owners to experience the different perspectives. A case in point is EWB and the Arc Initiative. These two programs are very similar, they work with local businesses throughout countries that do not necessarily have the prior knowledge of running businesses.