Starbucks’ Brand New Investment- DUFFIN!

So you might think that what is duffin?

Starbucks explains it as;

“Is is a doughnut or is it a muffin? It is both – a Duffin! A delicious doughnut/muffin fusion. Lightly spiced with nutmeg, with a raspberry jam filling and a buttery sugar coating.”

It is certain that it sounds delicious and tempting however this is another pastry for the indecisive.

The great coffee chain, Starbucks, launched the Duffin in 730 U.K. stores last Thursday. This is not a test run, the company is pretty sure that their new investment is going to be embraced by the customers.  Starbucks is pushing its largest ever investment in food in the UK through a flurry of new products and it is clear that they are striving to reach beyond coffee and get a share in the fast food market. In my opinion, Starbucks’ well-established name and their success in the pastry industry will be the first incentive for customers to try out this brand new production. I am pretty sure that the company will start to export these delicious looking duffins to the other countries very soon!


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