Funny Ads Make Brands Stronger

Humor is one of the important elements in the advertising. It is not surprising that advertisers invoke humor, as it can make a big contribution to an ad’s memorability.

Let’s take the example of the mineral water company, Evian.

Evian’s the Baby&Me Youtube video released few months ago and reached more than 60 million of views and after that company released a brand new application called evian baby&me on smartphones. Similarly to the video, the application got so popular in a short period of time.

But what made it so interesting and popular?

Of course the humor inside the advertisement. People enjoyed it! This an important aspect of the ads. Firms need to be customer orientated while they are marketing their products. They have to consider that people used to see tones of different commercials in a day and only few of them stays in their minds.

Well, being humorous is not an easy thing!  It is hard to appeal every single person’ sense of humor. However when the company successfully appealed the sense of humor of its targeted audience, their brand name will stay in people’s mind for a long time.

“A humorous brand is a confident brand, and a confident brand is attractive.”




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