Dropbox has displayed its stunning personality back when it turned down Apple’s offer to purchase the product. Providing digital storage services for users (500 million users at the date of Oct 18, 2011, as the number went threefold over the year), Dropbox has recorded $240 million revenue in 2011 even though 96% of users pay nothing. This information indicates the potential of Dropbox at expanding and creating more features to attract customers in investing in them.
Short Analysis of Dropbox Positioning:
1. Awesome Brand Image: “Simplify your life”
-The idea behind Dropbox is that users can store their stuff online and download it from elsewhere (works offline too!). Not only this online backup storage is convenient and user-friendly, it also allows users to share their folders which allows more efficiency
2. Success Points of Difference: “Connected anywhere”
-Dropbox works with Windows, Mac, Linux, iPad, iPhone, Android and BlackBerry. This feature allows many users to access to the application easily.
3. Positioning Map (source from here, update on April 26, 2010)
I use dropbox and am very satisfied with the service. It’s a great simple idea and very easy to use. Companies like this do well with sticking to a clear goal and making a lot of profits with low cost. they are a very good company for entrepreneurs to analyze and see how they became so successful.