Is Ryan Air an ethical business?

Reality On the Cheap Flights

Ryan Air, the notorious flight company who puts surcharge on fat customers, and demolishing two out of three washrooms on the plane to fit more customers on the plane. These actions have proved Ryan Air’s unique way in surviving in the industry with high fuel costs. With the ticket cheap enough, passengers might still be willing to go on board to the plane.

In my opinion, Ryan Air is not an ethical business as it devours the human rights, for example for fat people to maintain their lifestyles, and the right to go to washroom. Yet it is a free market and customers have to choice to choose whether they want quality service on the plane or cheap tickets. I hope Ryan Air will not charge passengers for oxygen and emergency practices in the future, as the video has suggested.

Regardless of the criticism, Ryan Air did strive in the last decade despise having intense competitions. The company has earned $81 million profit and it has quadrupled its customers in 10 years. As a result, pricing is indeed a very important factor marketing and positioning strategy to attract customers.

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