Energy Aware Smart Meter – Real-time Information of Power Consumption

Energy Aware is an innovative initiative developed by Janice Cheam, BCom Sauder Alumni from 2006,with 3 other undergraduate engineersĀ in the New Venture Design course.

The PowerTab, a smart meter that provides real-time power consumption information in home through wireless networks, is an award-winning hardware and software product. It also translates the energy use to dollars, and thus consumers can monitor their spending on the meter easily. As a result, the PowerTab is an useful tool to help reduce the energy waste and increase the energy awareness.

Not only studies have proved that through the real-time information, it can help reduce energy consumption by 20%, the PowerTab is one of the pioneer device to be certified by ZigBee Aliance, a global network that connect wirelessly to provide green and efficiency standards.

Energy Aware also has strong leading partners in various of industries such as Enerpro Systems Corp., sole provider of green construction in North America. The incorporation of PowerTab at Australia and Europe is feasible as there were trial runs taken place in January 31, 2011.

In short, Energy Aware has fulfilled the Schumpeter’s view of entrepreneurship in creating a new product (PowerTab), and new market (Australia, Canada, Europe, and US).

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