Is UBC working for us, or are we working for them?

One late evening in the Irving Library I read Craig Lambert’s article on ‘Shadow Work’ and couldn’t help but start thinking…

As implied in the article, we live in a paradoxical age. Technology is expected to make our lives easier but in many cases has ironically shifted the workload from employees who were paid to provide the service, to us as the purchasers.

Lambert mentions self check out, self-service gas stations, a reduction in secretary work in businesses, Ikea’s self assembly policy and many other examples of unpaid but obligatory shadow work that we now do.


What about our life at UBC? I remember the golden days when teachers actually TOLD students what assignments were due. Now I check e-mails, facebook and then of course check vista (oh how I loath thee). Teachers also must take the time to post this information. Many librarians jobs have surely been taken by the massive book filing system here at Irving. I pay the Sauder Caf for the privilege of making my own coffee. I am expected to tip at restaurants where I settle the bill on a credit card and receive little or no service. UBC, where is the service?


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