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Archive for October, 2012

The entrance of China’s National Offshore Oil Corp into Canada is known as foreign direct investment (FDI). This will increase employment and earnings may have a multiplier effect on Canada’s economy, stimulating growth. In addition, Canadian government will earn high tax revenue from NOOC’s profit. NOOC may bring along technology  that may not be available […]

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Google, as a monopolist, has a high degree of market power and has the ability to set the market price. Google has a high barrier to entry due to ownership of patents and frequent acquisition to reduce suppliers. Its strong brand image makes it hard for new entrants. It could abuse its power by adopting […]

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http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/20/us-mcdonalds-idUSBRE83J0P020120420 Porter’s Generic Strategies allows firms to access their level of competitiveness in the market using the three general strategies: cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. McDonald’s competitive advantage in the fast food market is mainly its provision of food at a low cost. It adopts cost leadership strategy, which does not aim to compete with […]

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