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From: http://cmuscm.blogspot.ca/2012/09/fashion-forward-zaras-supply-chain.html Businesses are increasingly outsourcing distribution and transportation to other organization that can provide such services cost effectively (Hoang, pg 586). However, unlike others, Zara builds its factory in Europe to reduce the process and timing of logistic. I agree with Maggie that Zara is able to “cut the shipping time and can provide […]

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http://www.canadianbusiness.com/blog/tech/105414–tablets-in-the-classroom-will-soon-be-the-norm From: http://blog.eogn.com/eastmans_online_genealogy/2010/04/update-using-the-ipads-external-keyboard.html With iPad mini on shelves, tablet wars are heating up. Intense competition leads to cheaper and better technology. This entice more students to replace traditional laptops with tablets.  Nowak said , “According to educators, students still prefer to use laptops for taking notes in class, but the tide will shift soon, possibly […]

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Terror at the Taj

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/6602.html Flames come out of the Taj Mahal hotel during a gun battle, 29 November 2008 (Photo: Reuters) On November 26, 2008, the hotel, Taj Mahal Palace and Tower, was one of the 5 locations in Mumbai, India, that were attacked by terrorists. The intriguing fact is that despite the horrific attack, Taj employees “stay […]

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On Class 21 in Comm 101, in small groups, we were assigned to introduce new ideas to improve an already existing programs/products that are designed to be environmentally friendly. My group came up with the idea on improving Eco-To-Go container exchange program so that more people could use it. Eco-To-Go program is available to everyone […]

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Imagine having such a strong brand that you receive over a million job applications annually. What would you do?- By Nathan Chanesman, Google adopts highly scientific methodology into the recruitment and selection process. Instead of focusing only on academic achievement and past experience, Google also looks for specific personality favorable to  an open job position. […]

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http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2012/nov/01/water-pollution-doubled A desalination plant being built at the Thames Water sewage plant in Beckton, east London. Photograph: David Levene   “Reassuringly, the latest performance record shows businesses are increasingly recognising there is a value and opportunity in this broader sense of responsibility.”- Environment Agency After increased pollution in water industry doubled in England and Wales […]

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The entrance of China’s National Offshore Oil Corp into Canada is known as foreign direct investment (FDI). This will increase employment and earnings may have a multiplier effect on Canada’s economy, stimulating growth. In addition, Canadian government will earn high tax revenue from NOOC’s profit. NOOC may bring along technology  that may not be available […]

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Google, as a monopolist, has a high degree of market power and has the ability to set the market price. Google has a high barrier to entry due to ownership of patents and frequent acquisition to reduce suppliers. Its strong brand image makes it hard for new entrants. It could abuse its power by adopting […]

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http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/20/us-mcdonalds-idUSBRE83J0P020120420 Porter’s Generic Strategies allows firms to access their level of competitiveness in the market using the three general strategies: cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. McDonald’s competitive advantage in the fast food market is mainly its provision of food at a low cost. It adopts cost leadership strategy, which does not aim to compete with […]

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Firms usually adopt ethical code of conduct to meet their ethical objectives such as reducing pollution, increase recycling, disposal of waste environmentally friendly manner, offering staff a proper working condition and fairer conditions of trade. This article mentions that there are many emerging economies that use child labor, especially in the agriculture sector and textile […]

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