After discovering no efficient way to filter out our converted points from out MCE raster, we conclude that this may not have been the most appropriate method or tool for selecting the best places to implement bike share stations. We had not considered from the start that our multi-criteria evaluation, based on the criterium we have chosen would only give us desirable regions rather than specific places for points at appropriate distances.
It feels as though we have found a limitation in our project or we have simply selected the wrong analysis for this kind of project. It was disappointing to find out that there was no specific tool to filter by our MCE. I think we introduced the most generalization and error in our post analysis when we had to filter those points because it was subjective where we began to to select points and systematically space at set distances. If we had started somewhere else, we could have produced a whole other map of where stations should be. The densities would be approximately the same, but the actual locations would have differed.
In conclusion, we did manage to locate a possibility of the best locations for stations, fulfilling our project goals based on our criterium and we are pleased with the outcome of our multi-criteria evaluation and the experience we have had with this project.