Getting Ready for UBC

I arrive at UBC in about 9 days and I can’t wait.  I found out I’ll be driving with my parents and its going to be a ridiculously long drive, but the upside is that I can bring all my stuff!  Flying is quick but lugging a printer, tons of books, clothes, and anything else I want to bring through the airport would not be fun, neither would shipping it from home and waiting for it to get to UBC!  I’m the ultimate pop culture junkie so I wanted to bring my tv now that I knew I was driving, but found out totem/vanier don’t have cable wires.  So my first reaction was:

Haha!!! The average reader might be thinking, “Why is this girl so intent on having a television it’s only going to be a distraction” TRUST, academics is my numero uno priority.  But all through high school, when doing an assignment, I’d always take a few breaks and watch TV, and it’d make doing it less boring, more tolerable.  It doesn’t work for everybody!  It doesn’t really work with studying, but when doing those long tedious assignments it’s great for me!  I don’t recommend this for everyone though!

In terms of packing I decided to only start once I hit that 7 day mark.  So once I’m 7 days away I plan on starting all my packing.  At least I know I won’t be bringing my TV, haha but I did go back to school shopping at Wal-Mart and Staples and got a bunch of school supplies.  Which is never really exciting, but was this year since I’m going to Vancouver, and the more college related stuff I do the more close it feels!  I’ve got to say the kids at Jump Start seem to be having a blast at Vancouver, and I am more than ready to join them, and all the other students going to UBC.  😀

Countdown: 8days, 14hours, 11 minutes, 8 seconds.



August 2010

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