Finals Season….

Does everyone seem a bit more stressed lately?  Well Finals are about to hit!  I have my first one on Tuesday, Chem, and strangely enough it’s the one I’m least worried about.  Probably because I know if you study Chem well enough, do all the problems in the CHirp (chem 121 book) then you’ll do well.  Physics on the other hand has become a nightmare.  I try the hardest in that class, and still manage to never meet my goal.  This brings up the option of Prep 101.  Pro:  it’s suppose to fill you in and pretty much teach you a whole course in 12 hours.  Con:  over 100 dollars!  Now I don’t mind paying this for a potential better grade in Physics, It’s the risk that worries me. What if it isn’t that helpful, thats 12 hours of my time I could been studying by myself !?  And at UBC 12 hours is valuable when you always feel like your running out of time.  Not only that but it’d be a waste of money as well.  So if ANYONE has done Prep 101, how much did it help you?  And do you need to have a good grasp on all the concepts before going?  I say this because I know i’ve heard some people say there going cause they don’t understand anything and failed previous midterms.  So if people couldn’t understand the subject in a whole semester how are they suppose to get it in 12 hours?  But in times of desperation, getting prep 101 for phys 101 is very tempting.



December 2010

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