Finals Season….

Does everyone seem a bit more stressed lately?  Well Finals are about to hit!  I have my first one on Tuesday, Chem, and strangely enough it’s the one I’m least worried about.  Probably because I know if you study Chem well enough, do all the problems in the CHirp (chem 121 book) then you’ll do well.  Physics on the other hand has become a nightmare.  I try the hardest in that class, and still manage to never meet my goal.  This brings up the option of Prep 101.  Pro:  it’s suppose to fill you in and pretty much teach you a whole course in 12 hours.  Con:  over 100 dollars!  Now I don’t mind paying this for a potential better grade in Physics, It’s the risk that worries me. What if it isn’t that helpful, thats 12 hours of my time I could been studying by myself !?  And at UBC 12 hours is valuable when you always feel like your running out of time.  Not only that but it’d be a waste of money as well.  So if ANYONE has done Prep 101, how much did it help you?  And do you need to have a good grasp on all the concepts before going?  I say this because I know i’ve heard some people say there going cause they don’t understand anything and failed previous midterms.  So if people couldn’t understand the subject in a whole semester how are they suppose to get it in 12 hours?  But in times of desperation, getting prep 101 for phys 101 is very tempting.

About binta

UBC First year student. :)

2 responses to “Finals Season….

  1. Kelvin Choi

    Oh what a coincidence! I was lucky enough to win a session from the CLASS conference last year and I did Prep101 for Physics 101 (is that what you’re taking or is it Physics 100)?

    I found the prep booklet to be helpful, there was a ton of review questions, though I thought the final exam was a little harder though. It helped me get an A, though I kinda realized if you read the textbook thoroughly and understand all of the material and can do most Mastering Physics questions by yourself, you’ll be sure to get an A+ without prep101

    uhh I decided to review Physics cuz I just don’t like physics in general and I just really really don’t like the last few chapters like Young’s Double Slit. If you’re willing to spend that much on a 12 hour cram session, well, they’ll get the job done. I guess Prep101 can get you to know just the basics, but if you want a higher grade I think it’s gonna require you to breathe physics which is something I can’t do.

  2. I signed up for Prep101 back in October for BIOL 334, just to see what it was like so I could blog about it…

    …unfortunately, it was the same weekend as Day of the Longboat, and my team kept progressing to the next round, so I ended up being there for like a grand total of 30 minutes. I would say it’s helpful review, but you should understand the material well enough to note any errors (I ended up correcting my instructor a couple of times while I was there).

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