One Month In, and Housing Applications

So it’s been about a month since classes started, and this semester compared to last semester seems completely different.  I made a list of things I needed to do this semester in order to succeed and so far its been going well.  First midterm was Bio 112, and one of my rules was ignore the cheat sheet, which I did, and I’m pretty sure the midterm went really well I noticed I didn’t have to look at my cheat sheet the whole test, and Bio 112 definitely proves to everyone that biology is not always a memorization course.  I have Spiegelman, who is to me amazing!  So happy he’s part of Microbiology and Immunology because that’s the specialization I hope to get into.  As of now i’m currently trying to rejuvenate my average from the dead by doing really good this semester, so I have a chance at Microbio & Immunology.


Okay, I have done research on the housing process at UBC.  From what I’ve heard, it’s not so great, and that waitlist can go up to like 4000.  Okay, planning not to be one of individuals that get’s that fateful email that say’s “you haven’t been offered…”  So I opted out of the application, and just applied for YearRound.  I plan on doing Term 2 of the summer, so it works out perfectly.  But now, a lot of people have made me doubt the decision, so I’m just wondering how to get clarification.  Don’t you miss the days when parents dealt with all this business and you just focused on school?

About binta

UBC First year student. :)

5 responses to “One Month In, and Housing Applications

  1. For housing applications: Do both. If you’ve paid the $50 application fee for year-round, you have 15 days (I think) to apply to lottery as well, without paying it again. Far better to have your bases covered than wonder, ‘What if…?’

    • But lottery deadline was Feb 1, and I thought you’d have to apply to each separately?

      • Oh, that’s right! In that case, I wouldn’t worry about it — it is more likely that you’d get an offering through year-round than through lottery. 🙂 It’s just nice to have both options if you’ve already paid one — while they are separate applications, you do get a grace period where you’re allowed to apply to both under one application fee.

        But since you want housing for summer anyway, year-round’s a nice way to go.

  2. Be warned–as it stands, UBC M&I is currently all memorization (though, MICB 325, a new course, seems to be straying from that). They might be trying to change that, but right now that’s all it is…

  3. ST

    hey! love your blog, just wondering if you could share some tips on studying for bio 112!!! i just cant seem to condense all the online topics, freeman and lectures at once! so some advice would be great- and best of luck for the final on tuesday!! :):)

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