Before it begins. 15d.5h.12m.16s

Hey guys, I’m Binta and I’m using this blog to document my UBC Life and it hasn’t started yet, but I’m so ready for it to begin!  I’m going to be studying Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology at UBC, and my timetable is pretty depressing in terms of the fact that its PACKED.   But I’m ready for it, and all the other Science /LFS students  have a similar timetable so that should ease the pain, and the Engineers have it even worse, so I’m going to brave it out!

In terms of connecting with UBC students before it all begins, Facebook is an amazing tool, and I’ve got to say I’ve never seen so much diversity in my life! It’s amazing, kids from India, Morocco, Egypt, the States, Australia, everywhere!  I can’t wait to be immersed in that.  🙂

Right now my current UBC related drama is Books!  I do not want to purchase them all from the Bookstore.  Unless it’s a custom UBC book like the one for chem. 121 -____- I’m going to hunt them down online.   So far I’ve found some good deals, found a way to save around 300: D so hopefully I get it done by first week at UBC!

So I’m 2 weeks away from UBC and I found out a while back that I’d be staying at Place Vanier!  Known as the more reserved dorm, but I’m a firm believer that people make the experience!  And I plan to have hella fun at UBC as well as get those grades I need for med school.  Right now I’m busy counting down the days till my new journey at UBC.

Countdown:  15 days, 5 hours, 12 minutes, and 16 seconds till Vancouver. 😀

Binta <3

About binta

UBC First year student. :)

5 responses to “Before it begins. 15d.5h.12m.16s

  1. Welcome!

    If you’re serious about reaching your goal, then I’d recommend eliminating distractions (this includes watching tv). Personally, I think the library is a much better place to study than your dorm room. The calibre of materials for classes in university is a lot more overwhelming than that of high school, so your study skills may need to be flexible.

    Great to have you on the Blog Squad. Looking forward to your adventure at UBC!

  2. Kelvin Choi

    Yay! We finally have someone from Land and Food Systems!

    Textbook shopping… haha brings back memories.

    • Yep! 🙂 But I’m actually debating whether going into Microbiology and Immunology just cause I love that, or staying with Applied Biology. I should decide what i want by second semester. Textbook shopping is no fun! haha

  3. Valentina

    Hello !! welcome to the blogsquad 🙂

    I’d say wait until you get there to buy your books! The discount bookstore in the village is not that bad and sometimes you don’t even need the books or you end up changing classes and won’t need them anymore…

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