Sudden Change of Plans

My whole schedule this week has fully changed due to the fact that I wont be driving anymore.  *sighh*  My dad mistaked what was a 16-17 hour drive as a 12 hour drive.  It all stemmed from miscommunication, and that miscommunication caused me nothing but stress.  A bag a sour patches, and a good talk calmed me down, and I’m rest assured that I will still get all my stuff to UBC and everything will work out!  My parents are coming down a week later with all the stuff I cant bring, so I will be stranded without a phone for a week *yikes*.  Its going to be chaos bringing my stuff to my room alone (someone help me…) but I’m gonna wait till then to deal with it.  I have more excitement than fear going to UBC and its less than a week away!  Theres so much to do first week, and so many people to meet.  Its an experience I’ve experienced before, but I dont remember feeling this thrilled and nervous.

When I say I’ve experienced it before, its because I did experience college life.  Brief, but a whirlwind of academics, finances, and new people.  I skipped a grade, so I graduated early, and decided to attend UCLA.  It was a great experience but California went through a crazy time economically.  The Regents of the University of California system decided to suddenly increase tuition by 32% and that completely screwed my plan as well as thousands of other students.  I left, and could go back, take out some loans to make the 32% difference..or go to another school.  I decided on another school, and it really came down to my favorite two: University of Toronto SG or UBC.  They were both more accessible to me financially, I had more opportunities available to me at these schools, and I loved both locations.  But as you know I chose UBC haha, and I’m glad I did.  Did I mention that Vancouver is one of the most liveable cities in the world?  Cause it is.  Oh ya and that countless movies are filmed there?  Cause I’m an insane movie buff.  Oh and that a series airing on the CW is being filmed on campus?  That the Olympics were held there? (a year late! aww) Theres a lot more fun tidbits, but i’ll save that for another day.  Fact is, I’m more thrilled than ever for BC, and I have stalked facebook pictures of Vancouver that some Jump Start kids put up, cause thats the closest I can get to it right now!

In other news, MUG info came out!  Cant wait for the Imagine orientation (is it me or are there a million different orientations/activities first week? :D) and I’m in one of the two faculties that get a BBQ lunch, 🙂  Here’s my Mug info btw! 😀

MUG group:  Thyme

MUG leader: Charles Go

Getting Ready for UBC

I arrive at UBC in about 9 days and I can’t wait.  I found out I’ll be driving with my parents and its going to be a ridiculously long drive, but the upside is that I can bring all my stuff!  Flying is quick but lugging a printer, tons of books, clothes, and anything else I want to bring through the airport would not be fun, neither would shipping it from home and waiting for it to get to UBC!  I’m the ultimate pop culture junkie so I wanted to bring my tv now that I knew I was driving, but found out totem/vanier don’t have cable wires.  So my first reaction was:

Haha!!! The average reader might be thinking, “Why is this girl so intent on having a television it’s only going to be a distraction” TRUST, academics is my numero uno priority.  But all through high school, when doing an assignment, I’d always take a few breaks and watch TV, and it’d make doing it less boring, more tolerable.  It doesn’t work for everybody!  It doesn’t really work with studying, but when doing those long tedious assignments it’s great for me!  I don’t recommend this for everyone though!

In terms of packing I decided to only start once I hit that 7 day mark.  So once I’m 7 days away I plan on starting all my packing.  At least I know I won’t be bringing my TV, haha but I did go back to school shopping at Wal-Mart and Staples and got a bunch of school supplies.  Which is never really exciting, but was this year since I’m going to Vancouver, and the more college related stuff I do the more close it feels!  I’ve got to say the kids at Jump Start seem to be having a blast at Vancouver, and I am more than ready to join them, and all the other students going to UBC.  😀

Countdown: 8days, 14hours, 11 minutes, 8 seconds.

Before it begins. 15d.5h.12m.16s

Hey guys, I’m Binta and I’m using this blog to document my UBC Life and it hasn’t started yet, but I’m so ready for it to begin!  I’m going to be studying Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology at UBC, and my timetable is pretty depressing in terms of the fact that its PACKED.   But I’m ready for it, and all the other Science /LFS students  have a similar timetable so that should ease the pain, and the Engineers have it even worse, so I’m going to brave it out!

In terms of connecting with UBC students before it all begins, Facebook is an amazing tool, and I’ve got to say I’ve never seen so much diversity in my life! It’s amazing, kids from India, Morocco, Egypt, the States, Australia, everywhere!  I can’t wait to be immersed in that.  🙂

Right now my current UBC related drama is Books!  I do not want to purchase them all from the Bookstore.  Unless it’s a custom UBC book like the one for chem. 121 -____- I’m going to hunt them down online.   So far I’ve found some good deals, found a way to save around 300: D so hopefully I get it done by first week at UBC!

So I’m 2 weeks away from UBC and I found out a while back that I’d be staying at Place Vanier!  Known as the more reserved dorm, but I’m a firm believer that people make the experience!  And I plan to have hella fun at UBC as well as get those grades I need for med school.  Right now I’m busy counting down the days till my new journey at UBC.

Countdown:  15 days, 5 hours, 12 minutes, and 16 seconds till Vancouver. 😀

Binta <3



June 2024

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