Winter Break

Hello everyone,

So it’s pretty much been tumbleweeds here, so much for being back to blogging.

I mentioned in my last post that I was going back to school, so to catch everyone up I am in the Pharmacy program at UBC 🙂 🙂

So shortly after my last post I went on vacation, got back into school, and expected that the first few weeks would be chill. WRONG. I’ve probably never been so overwhelmed with things to do, like there was no chill “syllabus” week, you really dive head first and sorta stay diving the rest of the semester.

The blog went over my head, and I finally got into the swing of things school-wise probably end of October. You just get used to always having things to do. Because it is a professional program at UBC, we’ve all been heavily reminded to keep things professional, inside and outside the classroom. So I had to think about how I would manage the blog going forward, what I would say, etc. I’ll still be myself, but probably a little bit more censored.

I actually have a long Christmas break for once, so I’m trying to sort out web hosting so I can get my own domain, I just need to figure out a name. I looked at the hipstername generator, but I think mortarandpestle was taken :'( That would have been the best name to be honest. Now I’m thinking of the site being more of a college hub, where I could have friends do guest posts, and cover more general non school topics. Also want to add more personal things like photos, etc. If you have any ideas for names, let me know. That is sort of my first priority so I can add most my new content/news on there.

On my to do list. Some of the things I mentioned on my last post were

  • What I did since I graduated, what program I am going to, Post-graduation confusion, etc.
  • Post on ER Scribe FAQ (I will try and get in contact with the doctors so this one might take a while, there is no information out there for Canada jobs so I will try my best)
  • Notes/Any old midterms
  • Plans for a new domain – going to blog on here for a while, but should be switching over hopefully before new years just need to figure out a domain name.

So I accomplished one thing lol. I have a bunch of free time this break so I’m excited to really get into everything, and fingers crossed my new domain is set up for new years where I can share everything I’ve been up to. I still get emails about old midterms. I don’t know if I can publish it, so I may just have to set up a separate email and just send what I have in blasts, still working that out. Also don’t know how relevant my stuff from years ago is, but I know how prepared Science undergrads like to be 🙂

So will be back here once I have my domain name, and hope to build a site that can be my little passion project going forward in the way this blog was my passion project when I started undergrad.

Anyways, I know most people are currently cramming their lives away at Woodward or Irving. Good luck on finals! And Happy Holidays :):)

Finally At UBC!

Now, this is the story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I’ll tell you how I got to a town called Vancouverrr!

haha ending didn’t rhyme oh well.

What a week! Well almost a week..its been 6 days since I arrived at UBC but it honestly feels like I’ve been here for months! So many names to learn, so many activities, so much stuff to do. It can be overwhelming, but I’m so glad I’m finally here. Seems like I’ve been on a journey to just get here, first being admissions, then registration, its been a HOT MESS. Thats a term I use for all things you have to deal with, that you wish someone else would deal with for you. Actually I use that phrase for multiple things, so expect different definitions in the future. ANYWAYS, fact is, within the last 6 days, I’ve met like 500000 people, and remembered like maybe 20. Which sucks, but I’ve got 4 years to learn everyone’s name so that should be enough. I haven’t posted in a while, so I’ll give a rundown.


I finished packing all my stuff and the stuff my parents are bringing when they join me 2 weeks later. It was definitely a hassle, the whole time I was thinking..what happened to packing a week in advance? But it got done, and as we made our way to the airport all I could think was, I’m finally going to Vancouver, by this time tomorrow I’ll be chilling in my dorm room. I know many people had the really sad goodbye’s, but I’m an incredibly stoic person sometimes so I wasn’t emotional. Is that weird??? I think it is, but I pretty much declared the whole month of August as the goodbye month, but I am definitely excited for skype sessions with friends and Christmas so we can all catch up! It’s just that I’ve been in that town for too long and that I’m ready to leave and LEARN. Hell yeah I’m ready to learn, haha I feel like such a nerd, but I really can’t wait to learn, not study, LEARN. Haha.

But when I landed in Vancouver, all by myself I was definitely feeling a little overwhelmed. I came by myself with 2 massive bags a purse filled with my documents, a tennis racket, and a pretty bomb umbrella. And when I say bomb, I mean epic! I love Vancouver, but not rain haha, so my umbrella is like a clear bubble pretty much cut in half, can’t wait to see the looks I get when I use it. Anyways, I decided to use the sky train instead of a taxi because I’m the best daughter ever so I wanted to be frugal aha. BIG MISTAKE. I was stressed, I’ve never been to Vancouver, so the bus system was completely new. I made it through the skytrain well but went on the wrong bus. Well right bus, but wrong direction. Quite frankly, the whole situation was a hot mess. But I learned something through the whole thing, and it was that Vancouver people are the NICEST people ever. Old ladies where trying to help me lift my bag. A random stranger walked me to the correct bus stop helping me with my bags the whole way. And this stranger was a mix between Shia Labeouf and Zac Efron, you do the math :), but it definitely made things more calm. I arrived in Vancouver, took the bus that goes around campus and got to my dorm! Wheew! I’m sweating just thinking about that day!

Well now, I’m all moved in, met a couple awesome people I talked to from facebook, met some cool floor and building mates. Sometimes I walk to class and I can see the mountains, and I’m like what is this? I am so lucky to be here. The first time I saw the “famous” buildings, it was an almost euphoric moment. If your like me, you stared at brochures and had all these landmark buildings on campus memorized so it was amazing to see in life. Wreck Beach was beautiful, the nudity is definitely strange haha, and I was shocked I didn’t end up in heaven at the end of walking up those stairs because there THAT FAR. I was literally seeing stars after walking up.

It took me a few days to adjust to this new weather and my new surroundings, but I feel like I can call myself a “honorary Vancouverite” now. 🙂



June 2024

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