Week 1: Chris, Herman
Hayward, V., Tatsuta, M., Yano, H., Iishi, H., Ishiguro, S., Maeda, S., … Yang, Y. (2006). Creating a False Memory in the Hippocampus. Science, 445(June), 1504–1508.
Josselyn, S. A., Köhler, S., & Frankland, P. W. (2015). Finding the engram. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 16(9), 521–534.
Week 2: Alex, Aydan
Liu, X., Ramirez, S., Pang, P. T., Puryear, C. B., Govindarajan, A., Deisseroth, K., & Tonegawa, S. (2012). Optogenetic stimulation of a hippocampal engram activates fear memory recall. Nature, 484(7394), 381–385
Rashid, A. J., Yan, C., Mercaldo, V., Hsiang, H. L., Park, S., Cole, C. J., … Josselyn, S. A. (2016). Competition between engrams influences fear memory formation and recall. Science, 353(6297), 383–388
Week 3:
Tonegawa, S., Pignatelli, M., Roy, D. S., & Ryan, T. J. (2015). Memory engram storage and retrieval. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 35, 101–109.
Bocchio, M., Nabavi, S., & Capogna, M. (2017). Synaptic Plasticity, Engrams, and Network Oscillations in Amygdala Circuits for Storage and Retrieval of Emotional Memories. Neuron, 94(4), 731–743.