Employee in NORSAT International Inc.

Kyle, What are you doing in NORSAT International Inc?


My internship company building

This is my internship company building. Norsat is not big company but it has great power of influence in telecommunication field.

My work can be divided two kinds. Daily work & Special work.


<Daily Work>

After meeting in accounting department

My work always started with morning meeting.  It started on 9:30 everyday.I’m in accounting department so have a meeting with people in accounting department. In this meeting we share information, today’s schedules of each members and shout cheer up slogans after finishing meeting.


Filing many kinds of documents

In accounting department, we have a lot of documents like invoice, purchase order and check. These are very important documents because related to money and tax for government. So, I filing these documents time and A,B,C…Z order everyday every document.


Receiving & Sending mails

Every in the morning I receive mails from post office. There are individual mails and official mails. They are various kinds of mail like invoice and check. When I get these mails I open it and record on computer. After recording, I give it to person who related to mail. After day off, I take mails from each person and send mails on the way to go home.


Copy & Scan & Fax

It is a copy, scan and fax machine. Many people ask copy, scan, fax to me. Machine’s functions are very good so it’s very easy and convenient.

<Special Work>

I have not only daily work but special work. Sometime co-workers give me some special stuff except daily work. For example, last week every employees worked at warehouse for inventory adjustment. It took whole day.

And every lunch time on Thursday, we have a idea meeting at boarding room. Eating lunch together, we share new idea about software, hardware and every thing. Also, give gift to the best idea person.

<What I have learned and accomplished so far>

From this internship work, I have learned responsibilities and the fact that every departments are connected. Also, I learned well connected department can make good company. I worked many kind of department like accounting, purchase, human resource, marketing and inventory, because I am intern. I don’t know yet about their working deeply but I realized they are all connected each other. So, if one department have a mistake or delay, it can influence to other department. So, everyone must have responsibility and do the best in their work.

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